Saturday, February 24, 2007

Civil and public law

Civil and public law have differencies.In civil law action is taken among citizens.In public law action is taken between the state.There are differencies between civil and public law categories too.The main categories of civil law are contacts,torts,trusts,probate and family law.The main categories of public law are crimes,constitutional law,international law.Also,there are differencies between civil and public law procedures.In civil procedure sentence is an award of money or damages to be paid by one part to the other.In criminal procedure sentence is a fine or imprisonment.Moreover,the standards of proof are lower in a civil action than in a criminal one.The prosecution must prove the guilt of a criminal beyond reasonable doubt.The plaintiff should to prove his case on the balance of probabilities.Evidence from a civil action is more necessarily admissable as evidence in a criminal trial about the same matters.There are differencies but civil and public law have similarities also.The loser of a civil case may be forsed to comply in a criminal prosecution.Also,the loser of a civil action has to pay not only the damages but a criminal penalty as well.The defendant in a criminal case will not be found liable in a civil action about the same matters.

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