Sunday, May 6, 2007


Conflict is a state of oppositon,disagreament or incompatibility between two or more people or groups of people,which is sometimes categorized by physical violence.

Conflict may cause value differences, personality conflict, communication failure, misunderstanding and others.

Conflict affects us all-no matter whom we are or what we do.It finds us at home,at work,on the streets,and it has the potential to create enourmous damage.All of us can learn constructive ways to work through conflict.If we want to solve a conflict first step is to start with ourselves.

We should ask ourselves-for example,like what do I really need out of this situation?What is the problem from my point of view?Try to examine the problem from person,with whom you are conflict,point of view.So,you should ask the person to tell you his point of view on the situation and listen.Do not interupt,do not contradict-just clarfy and summarize what you have understood.Than ask person to listen to you.Once you have listened to each other,you may have developed a new understanding for each other's values.Create several possible ways that both of you can meet your needs while respecting care values.Seek help when you need it.Talk to someone who understands conflict.Contact a conflict resolution practitioner in your community to seek advice.

On the other hand,conflict is not always negative.In fact,it can be healthy when effectively managed.Healthy conflict can lead to:growth and inovation;new ways of thinking;additional management options.

In conclusion,it is important to realize that conflict that requires resoliuton is neither good or bad.There can be positive and negative outcomes.It can be destructive but can also play a productive role for our personality and for our relationships-both personal and professional.The important point is to manage the conflict,not to suppres conflict and not to let conflict escalate out of control.

Gun control

Gun violence increased dramatically.More and more people began to aquire and carry guns,leading to a sharp increase in gun death and injuries.

Law makes illegal for anyone under the age of 18 to have a handgun.Despite that,some get from their friends,borrow,buy or steal them.

People sometimes carry guns because they are afraid or because they want to intimidate others,but everyone must remember thet carrying a gun will not make us safer.

Guns escalate conflicts and increase the chances that we will be seriously harmed.If we carry a gun,we are twice as likely to become the victim of gun violence.We also run the risk that the gun may be turned on us or that an innocent person will be hurt.We may do something in a moment of fear or anger that we will regret for the rest of our life.

We can protect ourselves from gun violence.If we know someone is carrying gun illegally,we must report about it.Policy must not allowed to keep a gun to a high-risk person.Also,where must be extremely difficult to obtain a gun.If obtaining a gun legally is very difficult,the price of legal guns goes way up,and availability goes way down.And it is much more difficult for criminals to obtain guns.Stiffer sentences for gun crimes.Gun education.Perhaphs gun purchasers should be required to take lessons in gun safety.

Gun violence is a big broblem nowdays.It is very sad,but it is our reality.