Saturday, April 14, 2007

Employment law

Employment law is a legislation of wokers rights which protects emploees in their works.

There are many employment rights:one of the right is that workers can strike;other right is about limited working hours and ages.Also,there is the right that women and men could have equal opportunities to do the same work in the same conditions.Moreover, employees have the right of compensation.If employees are descriminise for their race or sex,they have the right to complain to industrial tribunal.Women have the right to stop working in order to have a baby and the right to return to work after having a baby.

There is a conflict between EC and English law.It is related with Sunday trading and with the right to strike.In Britain stores can sell whiskey but not coffee;magazine but not books and etc. and all strikes in Britain can be ,if they have support by a majority vote of workers.

There are differences between employment law in Japan and Western countries:wokers in Japan have to work very long hours and often do not ask for overtime payment;many jobs are closed to workers who aren't Japanese-despise that they have lived all their life in Japan.On the other hand,Japanese workers are more safety and better supported,because their emploers provide low-coast accommodation for them.

In conclusion,better work conditions is in Western countries than Japan.